A few more great ideas to add to
the list of healthy snacks …
Snacks for Weight Loss
By Contributor on May 29, 2015
When you start on your weight loss journey, one of the greatest
challenges you’ll face is learning how to find Healthy
Snacks for Weight Loss. While you can alter your existing diet
and remove unhealthy food all you want, you’ll find that if you’re exercising
hard and eating smart, you’ll be hungry throughout the day–and that’s when
you’re the most likely to reach for unhealthy snacks that are completely
against your diet plan. Luckily, healthy snacks for weight loss don’t have to
be complicated, nor do they have to require a lot of preparation.
If you’re looking for a fast, portable solution to healthy
snacking, try Shakeology. There aredozens ofrecipes that
you can check out, including the ones highlighted here. The linked article will
let you check out more than a hundred different healthy shake recipes, so not
only is there sure to be something there that you’ll like, there’s no chance
that you’ll ever get bored with Shakeology! Prefer to keep it a little simpler
and want to know that you’re getting the healthiest shakes available? Check out
these Seven Healthiest ShakeRecipes that
will act as meal replacements or fill in as a post-workout snack.
The great thing about Shakeology is
that it’s already designed with a perfect balance of all your nutrition needs.
You don’t have to worry about designing that perfect balance, or about
measuring out only the amount of peanut butter you’re allowed to have on top of
your apple (when really, you’d rather be munching on a chocolate bar anyway).
Instead, you can create a shake that fulfills your sweet tooth while still keeping
you on track with your diet.
Prefer something a little bit more solid? Check out these ten healthy snacks forweight loss, or take a look at these homemade sweet potatofries that will knock
your socks off and leave you feeling as though you’ve indulged in something
naughty while keeping your diet on track. Or, if you’re looking for a healthy
snack idea that is a break from the norm–something that doesn’t leave you
feeling like you’ve been munching on rabbit food when you really want something
sweet and filled with fat, try these options:
Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss
Spread peanut butter on a banana, dip it in melted dark
chocolate, and freeze. This is the perfect healthy snack to help kick that
“sweet” craving!
Make a yogurt “bark” with the fruit of your choice: spread
yogurt in a pan and sprinkle with fruit, then freeze. Once it’s frozen, break
it into pieces and store in a bag in the freezer until you’re ready to indulge.
It creates a wonderful bark much like the chocolate bark you love during the
holidays, but for fewer calories.
Hard boil eggs and bring them to work each day to help ensure
that you’re getting enough protein.
Make sweet hummus by placing chick peas or white beans, a
tablespoon of coconut oil, and agave nectar or honey (to taste) in your food
processor. Process until the texture is smooth, then add chocolate chips.
Preventing yourself from feeling deprived isn’t just about what
you’re snacking on. It’s also about knowing when to snack. Immediately
following an intense workout, you’re probably going to be hungry, and if you
deny yourself until your next meal, you’re going to feel cranky and out of
sorts–not to mention all too likely to break your diet as soon as someone walks
through the door with a good suggestion.
your Shakeology powder ready at hand so you can reach for a shake whenever you
need one, or make sure that you’re keeping plenty of healthy, filling snacks
right there with your gym bag. Know that you’re going to start craving junk
food to keep you going when the three o’clock slump hits? Make sure that you
snack around two or two thirty so that your body will still be going strong
once that time rolls around. Healthy snacking is part of any good diet plan
because it keeps you in tune with your body’s needs and demands. Don’t feel
guilty about your snacks.
plan for them ahead of time so that you’re snacking the right way!
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